Üzümcü is a global supplier of medical technologies for our partners all around the world with our high quality innovative products. Over half-century experience in medical field and a dynamic team, we have been involved in many projects in more than 100 countries. .


Respiration Equipment

Flowmeter Humidifier Bottle

It is designed to give oxygen to the patient by being humidified. Made of polycarbonate, scaled and sterilizable. Sterilization can be done with an autoclave at 134º C. Models with 150 ml and 200 ml capacities are available.

Request Offer
  • Model No: 1272.00, Capacity: 200 ml, Order Code: 66.1150
Özellik Başlığı Özellik Değeri
Model No: 1270.00
Capacity: 150 ml
Order Code: 66.1149

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